The memory of Professor Paleček

2. 10. 2020

On Saturday, October 3, 2020, Professor Emil Paleček (* October 3, 1930 - † October 30, 2018) would have lived to be ninety years old. We remember him as a world-renowned scientist, especially as the founder of the field of nucleic acid electrochemistry. However, his research interests were far from being limited to this field. With his wide activity he laid the foundations or at least significantly influenced a number of other research directions at the Institute of Biophysics not only within his own department. He inspired generations of students of the Masaryk University to whom he lectured as well.

On the occasion of the ninetieth birthday of prof. Paleček we intended, in cooperation with the management of the Institute, to organize a memorial seminar. Unfortunately, for known reasons, this is not possible at this time. We hope that the situation will improve and that it will be possible to organize the meeting soon. Now let’s dedicate professor Paleček a memory.

Miroslav Fojta

(foto: Alois Kozubík)